Saturday, October 16, 2010

What Was The Point? Really... What Was The Point?

Rachel R Martin Rides are wayyy more fun in the dark. :) Good time at Six Flags! Psh. I wasnt scared. :P LOL
Friday, October 15, 2010 at 11:40pm via Text Message

Rachel turn around

Oh my gosh. You guys are so dumb hahaha

Your just jelly

Hah i dont belive u for a second when u say u arnt scared ;P - 11:45pm

Oh dear mother of God. The spelling hurts - 12:00am

I do not believe you for a second, when you say you are not scared. Is that better and more to your liking, ass. pretty sure this was'nt :) - 12:45am

"Was'nt" nice going haha

Im seriously going to punch you in the vag if i see you.

im seriously so over these comments. they were completely unnecessary to begin with. im sooo done. knock it off

hey ___ , RAGE_MOAR.jpg

also, would you like to finger my vag too?

Yeah ok spelling fairy, last time i checked i dont belive in you so dissapear

its "believe" and "disappear"
you went to high school correct?

KNOCK IT OFF! IM NOT KIDDING!! im seriously getting so pissed at the both of you right now

Yes i went, no i dont watch my spelling on facebook, no i dont give a fuck, and yes i will beat the living shit out of you. just sayin

well i was finding it fun... =( NO FUN ALLOWED!

Sry rae, i can not believe im fighting with a nerd that uses actors as his main pic, haha silly me

lol still mad

I dont take shit from anyone, im cool as of now but if i do see u, and you say one word of it, you will be picking up your teeth with a broken arm.

I swear im done speaking to you both if this doesnt end, NOW. not kidding.

Oh no, internet tough guy alert! Alert the Media!

Haha you have no idea. run your mouth more kid

*Yes i took out names.
Sometimes, I really hate males. Ohhh brother. It should have NEVER should have even started.
And i neverrrr should have even called to tell you guys to stop. I cant believe i even had to make any calls. We aren't in High School anymore, boys. Grow up. Stop acting like youre 14. UGH!
(And i wouldn't have even posted this if it hadn't been bothering me all day. Juuust saying.)
(And i hope you both see this and see how absolutely ridiculous, and immature you were both acting.)

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