Monday, October 4, 2010

We're In A Good Place

My life has gotten so much better. Im happy. Things feel good. I feel safe.

I moved in with my sister and her husband and kids. That was one of the best decisions i could have made for myself.
I am closer with my parents now that I am not under their roof.
Im a better big sister than i was.
Im being treated like an adult.
I respect the rules of my new home.
I can come and go as i please.
I still work, and am looking for a second job.
I have more face-to-face conversations.
I am slowly getting closer and closer to my heavenly father again.
Im reading my scriptures again. Little by little.
Im not afraid to tell people what i do, and do not respect. Im much more open now.
Im trying my best to finish applying for school. And though i may not be going in January, i will be able to get in for April if im accepted.
I spend my time a bit more wisely now.
I know what i want. i know what sort of future i want in these next couple of years...
I want to attend BYU-I, and gain an education. Thats all. Im not going to overload myself, worrying about things, im unable to control right now.
I have come to realize that no matter how much you love someone... your family, your friends... you have to do whats best for YOU.
Moving out when i did was best for ME.
Taking a few years off of school, may not have seemed like the smartest choice to others, but its what best fit ME.
I love my missionary, but going to school, is what is best for ME right now. Whether he can be there with me or not.

I suppose thats all for now. I had more to write, but its getting late. And i want to be on a better sleeping schedule again. G'night!

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