Thursday, January 14, 2010

Public Apology

So I got a few texts today that made me realize, this blog is wayyy too open. I hurt feelings and I didn’t really mean to do that. I felt hurt, and have had that 'mean streak' lately. But that’s still not an excuse. It just went too far. I shouldn’t have said all the mean things, or PERSONAL things, that I did. At the time I'm writing the blog, I don’t think of it as anything someone would care about reading. I treated it more as a journal where I write my most heartbreaking and pissed off entries.  I write what’s going on in my head at that VERY moment. Without knowing actual FACTS. So despite what I've said in my past blogs, I do still care about what certain people think and feel. Which is why I’m getting rid of all my past posts. And if I’ve hurt anyone else through my blogs, I’m sorry.  I didn’t know anybody really read it and instead of just venting, a very important part of my past got hurt, which I really didn’t want to happen. And I’m sorry that it did.

Erik Hassle - Hurtful

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