Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Zions Trek

Although it was BLAZING hot and really hard.. I loved it. I'm ashamed at myself for not wanting to go in the first place. What an AMAZING experience. I was like 'EW Pioneer Clothes, Sweat, Hot.. doesn't sound like a good weekend.' Yes i got burned, and sweat, and wanted a shower really bad, but i had an amazing time. I've told everyone just that it was hard and it was a good experience, but I wouldn't do it again. I was wrong about that too. The more I look at the pictures and viedos, the more I wanna do it again. I remember how powerful I felt pushing the handcarts and thinking 'Just a little further, Keep going", and how calm and happy I was. I would TOTALLY do it again. I made a few new friends and I had a blast. I miss the late night Jam Session before bed. It was so nice just being able to lay out under the stars and hearing all of us singing, and Ty playing the guitar was SO peaceful.

I miss feeling SO strong pushing the carts while the boys were at Mormon Battalion

and when they came running up as we were waiting on a hill, I've never been so happy to see them in my life.
I really wanted to cry, because they were like my REAL family. I ACTUALLY missed them A LOT! It felt like they were REALLY coming home from a battle. And watching them come up one by one was so hard because you felt like it was real, and you didnt know if they'd all be coming back.

I miss the Tylenol PM haha Man that stuff is amazing lol
I miss Little Scout Haha I miss Papa Huey, Mama Laker, Denee, Steve, Brandon, and then I see Ty Rae and Jamie on a regular basis, so I don't really miss them lol
But I really wish I hadn't taken the trip for granted, and that I'd had a better attitude, because now there's a chance I cant EVER go back. I miss the dance and how Spencer came running up from the front of the dance floor yelling as loud as possible, 'RACHEL!! THEY'RE PLAYING OUR SONG!! With a HUGE smile on his face. And just pulled me in to his arms. I could not stop laughing! It was so cute. He sang the ENTIRE song to me! :) It's just super cute; he remembers EVERYTHING. Like what I say and what OUR song is :)

I'm lucky to have friends like Rachel and Tyler, and an amazing boyfriend, who I spent most of my time with, and LOVED how Brooke was crying during sacrament. I wanted to just wrap her up and give her a huge hug, but I knew she was feeling the spirit and I didn't wanna ruin that for her, so I just patted her knee and scratched her back. I'm so proud of her for going up to Pres Smith after the meeting and telling him how much she appreciated his talk. It's days like that where I know she'll be just fine without all her LDS friends someday.

Anyway. I loved Zions Trek and i WOULD do it all over again. It was a great experience and I'm glad my parents were 'annoying' enough to 'MAKE' me go. I LOVED the Trek, not liked it, Loved it. I've never appreciated running water, and carpet, and cars, and a house So much in my life. The pioneers had it HARD. I was TOTALLY blessed being born into this generation.

1 comment:

  1. i've done this before like my soph year of youth conference .... it was soooo crazy and an experience EVERYONE should have... when we did it it was snowing in the morning when we left then it was like 102 when we hit afternoon it was CRAZY but thats so cool you got to do it too :)))))
