Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A Peek Into My Mind

I'm missing Taylor a lot. 
I'm sad i didnt get to hang out with Rachel before she left back for school. :( Very sad actually.
I wanna tell certain missionaries that I'm really proud of them.. but don't have the guts.
I'm getting mixed signs about Blair. One night, I'll have a good dream about him, pray about it, and get an answer to what i prayed about... but something is nagging in the back of my mind. And i cant figure out what it is.
I am so excited to move in with my sister, and her kids and husband. I feel bad that my parents are sad though. 
I cannot wait to take a trip to Vegas this December. Alone, or with Brooke. With Brooke would be awesome, but I'll go alone if i have to. Krissy and i will have so much fun :)
I NEED TO GET UP TO SCHOOL! I'm dying! Lets get these ACTs over with, so i can finish my application!! 
I need a second job. But i hate working. I need to marry a dentist haha
I wanna learn piano again.
I miss my sister Ashley. But I'm hoping this will be our last semester apart, and that brings me comfort.
Crap. i have so much packing to do. Dang it. 
I still have one, two, three missionaries to write. Taylor's letter already took like two hours! *Sigh*
I miss having money to blow. lol I wanna shop!! 
I guess that's it. BYE! haha

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