Friday, July 9, 2010

Parental Love

i know they just want me to be happy and to make the right decisions.... but i cant stand this. I'm dating this guy Josh and apparently its inappropriate to scratch his back, or cuddle with him in a movie. I didnt think it was inappropriate. They are like "if you are gonna be dating, the first thing you should be doing is inviting him to church, and if he says no i need to say 'this is who i am. a mormon girl'. "
We are JUST dating. We arent serious, or exclusive. Im not gonna shove my religion down his throat. We are just having fun. I know i should be dating LDS guys.. but hes the first guy i've EVER dated that wasnt LDS. Its not like the only people ill ever date, are going to be LDS... i dont see the harm in dating a simple christian... hes just like any other guy. I know myself, and how to handle myself. and i know how to say 'no'. It really bothers me that my parents think they have to grill me about guys. I mean....... i have some experience with long term AND short term. i know how i can act. i can learn from my own mistakes.

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