At 5:50pm today, I received the email.
I didn’t know it had come until 11pm.
The moment my eyes rolled over the 'CES Admissions Office', my eyes shot back.
I read the subject line titled 'CES Application' with the first line of the email in my sight. "A decision has been reached on your application for BYU Idaho. Please go to the decision..."
..... my heart just stopped, and I lost all feeling in my body.
07 Feb 2011
Dear Rachel:
Congratulations! We are pleased to offer you admission to Brigham Young University-Idaho. Rich blessings and life-changing opportunities await you here.
The next step in your admissions process will be to determine your track assignment. BYU-Idaho operates on the Three Track System, comprised of three equal semesters: spring, fall, and winter. Each BYU-Idaho student is assigned a track which consists of two of these semesters.
STEP 1: Visit, web.byui.edu/admissions/questionnaire/, and complete the track questionnaire. Please complete this questionnaire within one week of receiving this letter.
STEP 2: You will be notified of your track assignment by mail within 4-6 weeks of submitting your questionnaire.
The Three-Track System allows BYU-Idaho to admit thousands of students every year that would otherwise be denied due to lack of space and resources. Track assignments are made to create a balanced student body in which students and employees can benefit from a diverse, varied, and distinctive learning environment. Visit, www.byui.edu/admissions/tracksystem.htm, for more information about the Three Track System.
Once again, congratulations on your acceptance to BYU-Idaho! We look forward to having you on our campus and feel that you will be an asset to this university.
Admissions Committee
Brigham Young University-Idaho Admissions Office
I’ve never been so happy. I am literally, on cloud nine right now. I called my family RIGHT away. And they were SO happy with me.
" *Gasp* AH! What!? Wait. Are you sure... or are you teasing me?" -Mom
"No. Mom! I really got in, like..."
"Whoooooooo!!!" -Ash
"Tell Rachel I'm very proud of her." -Dad
Ashley and I talked for like an hour, about school. Apartments, classes, friends, sister dates, holidays together... We are so excited.
This is all I've wanted since High School. I am so blessed to have the opportunity to be going there. This will help me grow so much. I am so excited to have my life revolve around school again and church. I need this. And I am so, so excited to start this new life.
THANK YOU, HEAVENLY FATHER! Thank you so, so, so much for answering my prayers.
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