Monday, January 3, 2011

Welcome to 2011.. It will be a GREAT year.

2011 New Years Goals
Written: Jan 3rd 2011

I will read my scriptures every night.

I will pray every night.

I will stop swearing when I get scared.

I will set a good example for Qiarra.

I will have two jobs at one point.

I will keep my room clean.

I will text people back more, so they don’t think I’m ignoring them.

I will wake up at a decent hour every day.

I will spend less time on the computer, and more time getting in shape.

I will exercise at least once a week.

I will complete 5 things off my ‘Before I Die’ list before the end of the year.

I will pay my tithing monthly; I will be a part time tithe payer, in order to save for school.

I will get into BYU-I.

I will go to BYU-I and remind myself every day, that I’m there for an education, not a social life.

I will try my best to not get any bad grades in school; I’ll go the extra mile.

I will only spend a max of $40 a month for fun. (Not including gas)

I will strengthen my relationship with my family and friends.

I will constantly make sure to always let my parents know how much I love them and appreciate them.

I will worry more about my spirituality, rather than my outward appearance.

I will remember that I am a daughter of a King… I’m worth something.

I will remind myself of the attributes I’ve been blessed with:
I am courageous. I am loving. I am patient. I am kind. I am considerate. I am forgiving.

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