Tuesday, June 29, 2010

oh my goshhh! i love love love looooove unexpected phone calls :)))))))) sooooooooo much!!! :))

"How are you?"
"I'm fine...... i'm sorry, who is this?"
"Who else do you know with a New York number"
" *Gasp* ..... Hiiiii :)))))) " 
"Haha Hi! How are you !?" 

So.. Blair called me today!!(while I was at CEC haha So i had to say "what?" a lot lol)
i don't think anyone can imagine how much i NEEDED to hear his voice. And how much i needed to hear him say, "things between you and me are fine."  

I was getting really doubtful and that totally reassured me. I wish i could write down everything we said, but i cant remember all of it. I just lived in the moment. So i guess it will just have to be a memory that i should cherish.  

But it made me remember that i freaking looove him. i wish i had more questions for him tho. But honestly, i couldn't care less what he said. I just wanted to hear his voice. A new voice. Listening to his songs and his old voicemails over and over, gets old, because its the same thing, and ive listened to all them hundreds of times. but this phone call was new and i loved it.

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